вторник, 15 ноября 2011 г.

Diy painted countertops using Giani granite paint kit

Diy painted countertops using Giani granite paint kit


Hi there! Today I am sharing our DIY painted counter tops final reveal. Diy painted counter tops using Giani granite paint kit. For the step by step tutorial you may view that at

Before cultured marble counter tops

Lots of us have this drab builder grade cultured marble in our homes.

Although, I really love this small little guest bathroom, the only down fall was the counter tops.

We have some great tile work in here, and it really is pretty.

how to paint your counter tops to look like granite with Giani granite paint

Mike {my husband}

and I had looked into granite some time ago, and geesh was that expensive! Even at a warehouse with some extra cuts, it still would have been at least a $400.00 job or more, because we would have had to replace the sink.

Just not a happening now in the budget.

Therefore, Giani came into the equation, and we thought, why Not try it. Nervous, OH YES!~

I knew my color choice was spot on!

I will tell you it is VERY IMPORTANT

not only to read all the instructions, but to also watch the DVD that they provide with your kit.

They were pretty spot on. We watched the DVD three times together, so that we would feel confident if one of us missed something,

the other would pick it up.

For us, we worked well together on this project, and both added something very important to it.

I was the painter, Mike was the prepper, and sealed it three times.

The toughest part of the job was taping off just the right amount in the inner sink area to be sure it looked like it was a drop in bowl.

The paint did indeed bleed through a bit, and perhaps it was on our end of the prepping part. Kinda hard to tape around a sink bowl in the inside.

It was however, not difficult to correct and get that even edge around the inner sink area.

So you want to see it now ???

How to paint your counter tops to look like granite

This project is over two years old and the counter top is holding up

giani granite paint bathroom counter top

giani bathroom counter top

Gorgeous right?

My kit was chocolate brown.

We are very very happy with the end result!

Giani granite counter top paint

So if you are wondering my recommendation! That would be a two thumbs up!

You can work this paint to your liking with the sponge. Because we like the Spanish, rustic type feel, that is what I feel we accomplished with the look.

If we/I can do it, anyone can!~

Take your time, read the instructions, and watch the DVD several times.

You know me, I am not one for instructions, but this I WAS!

So what do you think? you going to give it try?

If you do, PLEASE let me know so I can come see it, and cheer you on during the process.

**I was provided this product free of charge by Giani, to use and review.**

Opinions on review are however, my own, and my own words.

Get a kit today!

Now Giani has come out with a sister company called Chalkworthy.

Oh my, did I have fun painting my old beat up rocking chairs on the front porch with this paint. Check it out while you are here! I swore I would never tackle these rockers again. So happy I did!

Painting with the new chalkworthy chalk paint

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and my featured Home tours will keep you busy for a few hours too! UPDATE: After almost 3 years, these counters are still holding up Excellent!

home tour graphic

And if you love the Dollar tree as much as I do. Stick around and browse my Dollar tree gallery of ideas.

dollar tree gallery of ideas


Original article and pictures take www.debbie-debbiedoos.com site

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