среда, 4 сентября 2013 г.

I'm On Instagram!!...And Modern Country Front Garden Design

I'm On Instagram!!...And Modern Country Front Garden Design
Modern Country Style

Yes, it's true! Two pieces of excitement here today....I've FINALLY joined Instagram AND I'm sharing a gorgeous Modern Country Front Garden!

You see, when I started first Modern Country Style, I had no idea that it would take off in the way it did. It was all I could do to keep on top of the blog, and then Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest came along (not to mention our five kiddiewinks behind the scenes!!)......and I just came to the conclusion that I couldn't do it all so it was better to do a few things well, rather than a lot of things badly! Roll on a few years, and things seem to have settled down, at least for a while, in terms of new social media to keep up with so I'm ready to launch forth!!!

Front Garden design lavender topiary

Modern Country Front Garden design lavender topiary

And of course I'll still be over in all the usual places too!!

Modern Country Front Garden design lavender topiary

In the meantime, I'm LOVING this front garden design by Steven Kelvin, featuring the gorgeous combination we were talking about last time of lavender and topiary....

Modern Country Front Garden design lavender topiary

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Lavender and Bay Trees in Modern Country Front Garden

Clockwise from top: this aged brick house is set off beautifully by dusky grey paint on the doors and frames, allowing the drainpipe and rendered base to fade into the overall scheme...white hydrangeas and lavender, contrasted against smart clipped box, keep this home looking firmly Modern Country....for full details click through to Modern Country Style blog: Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

.Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

Try Little Greene Juniper Ash, Zoffany Sung Mauve, Fired Earth Sea Lavender, Fired Earth Gentian Violet; a beautiful Modern Country planting scheme with four clipped box hedges enclosing swathes of lavender, and boxwood balls nestled within....Full details over on Modern Country Style blog: Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

Gorgeous Modern Country Back Garden from Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

Ina Garten's garden from Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

For front garden: Boxwood, lavender and roses from Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

consider a country-inspired feminine palette of Farrow and Ball Pelt, Dulux Linnet, Farrow and Ball Purbeck Stone, Farrow and Ball Cinder Rose. Full details on Modern Country Style blog: Modern Country Garden Combos: Lavender And Topiary

Modern Country Garden in the Cotswolds

Modern Country Garden in the Cotswolds

Modern Country Garden in the Cotswolds

Modern Country Garden in the Cotswolds

Modern Country Garden in the Cotswolds

Modern Country Garden in the Cotswolds

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Original article and pictures take moderncountrystyle.blogspot.co.uk site

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