Got a tiny bath? Chances are, it’s ready for a makeover. Don’t think there is much you can do to a small bathroom that will make it work for you? Ah, wrong again, my friends. These bloggers have taken their tiny baths and made them A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Follow along with their bathroom before and afters, and then plan a tiny bath makeover! You can do this!
‘Decor and the Dog’ showcases a master bath makeover that takes an older bathroom with awkward angles, and turns it into something really cool. She tells you where they found the materials as well, read to the end, lots of photos! Love this!

‘Four Generations, One Roof’ has a master bath before and after that I particularly love, because it is all cosmetic. No major upgrades here, paint, fabric and a cheery design aesthetic! Jessica, I really love your use of color, and yet it’s so fresh and bright! Read through her post, she spells out all that she did, this would be easy to replicate!

Roeshel at ‘DIY Showoff’ has every reason to “show off”… (yea, I know, I’m sure no one ever made that comment about her blog name before…:)) This bathroom before and after is crazy! Yep, a little more investment with this one, but I know you DIY’ers can take this on. Remember, you don’t have to do it all at once, you can break it up into smaller parts if necessary to fit your budget. That having been said, there is nothing like just hammering out a makeover and having a dramatic reveal. Love this bathroom, and I have dark cabinets too, so I am going to steal ideas from this project.

Beth at ‘Home Stories A to Z‘ made over her half bath, and has tons of pics to prove what you can do with a small bathroom space!

‘Old House New Tricks’ made over this bathroom, and many of these are DIY projects, including the wood countertop! OMG! Wanna hear a shocker? This is a basement bathroom!

‘Being Home’ makes the most of a small bath makeover, with this before and after. Great ideas, even on a budget!

That should be enough to have you running to each and every bathroom in your home, trying to see where you can make changes… These talented bloggers got it done, you can do it for your home too. Just commit, and believe in the power of creativity!

Image Credits: Old House New Tricks, Decor and the Dog, Four Generations, One Roof, DIY Showoff, Home Stories A to Z, Being Home
Original article and pictures take site
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